
Prof. Dr. Martin Eisend:
Professor for International Marketing
Phone +49 (0)335 5534 2870
E-mail: eisend@europa-uni.de
Research Interest
My research activities focus on consumer behavior, in particular on processing of advertising messages by consumers, effects of advertising on consumers as well as societal issues of consumer behavior and advertising. Issues of internationalization and cultural comparisons are an important aspect of many research projects. From a theoretical point of view, I combine theories from marketing, management, psychology, and communication science. The research projects are quantitative-empirical-analytical. Although different research methods are applied, a main focus of method application and methodological research is on empirical generalization, in particular meta-analyses. For further information, please refer to my CV
Prof. Dr. Martin Eisend: Vita
Professional Experience
July 2007 – present: Chair of International Marketing
- European University Viadrina, Franfurt/Oder, Germany
Juni 2016: Visiting Professor
- WU Vienna, Austria
February 2016: Visiting Professor
- Macquarie University Sydney, Australia
November 2015 – December 2015: Visiting Professor
- University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
October 2010 – March 2011: Visiting Researcher
- University of Antwerp, Belgium
October 2006 – March 2007: Visiting Scholar
- Columbia-University, New York, USA
October 2004 – September 2007: Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor)
- Business Administration (Marketing with specialization in Market Communication), Free University Berlin, Germany
- Marketing, Free University Berlin, Germany
M.A. (Magister Artium)
- Media and Communication Studies (First Major) and Business Administration (Second Major), Free University Berlin, Germany
- Business Administration/Economics, University Hagen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Martin Eisend: Publications
Articles in Refereed Journals (International)
- Ang, Lawrence & Martin Eisend, Single versus Multiple Measurement of Attitudes: An Analysis of 189 Advertising Studies, Journal of Advertising Research (forthcoming)
- Eisend, Martin, International Diversity of Authorship in Advertising Research, International Journal of Advertising (forthcoming)
- Eisend, Martin, Meta-Analysis in Advertising Research, Journal of Advertising (forthcoming)
- Eisend, Martin & Farid Tarrahi, The Effectiveness of Advertising: A Meta-Meta-Analysis of Advertising Inputs and Outcomes, Journal of Advertising (forthcoming)
- Hartmann, Patrick, Martin Eisend, Vanessa Apaolaza, Clare D’Souza, Warm Glow vs. Altruistic Values: How Important Is Intrinsic Emotional Reward in Green Consumer Behavior? Journal of Environmental Psychology (forthcoming)
- Pick, Doreén & Martin Eisend, Customer Responses to Switching Costs: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Moderating Influence of Culture, Journal of International Marketing (forthcoming)
- Rößner, Anna, Maren Kämmerer & Martin Eisend, Effects of Ethnic Advertising on Consumers of Minority and Majority Groups: The Moderating Effect of Humor, International Journal of Advertising (forthcoming)
- Eisend, Martin (2016), Comment: Advertising, Communication, and Brands, Journal of Advertising, 45 (3), 353-355.
- Eisend, Martin, Heiner Evanschitzky & Roger J. Calantone (2016), The Relative Advantage of Marketing Over Technological Capabilities in Influencing New Product Performance: The Moderating Role of Country Institutions, Journal of International Marketing, 24 (1), 41-56
- Eisend, Martin, Heiner Evanschitzky & Dave Gilliland (2016), Organizational Culture, National Culture, and New Product Performance: A Meta-analysis, Journal of Product Innovation Management.
- Eisend, Martin, George Franke & James H. Leigh (2016), Re-Inquiries in Advertising Research, Journal of Advertising, 45 (1), 1-3.
- Eisend, Martin & Don Lehmann (2016), Assessing the Enduring Impact of Influential Papers, Marketing Letters, 27 (1), 115-129.
- Hartmann, P., Apaolazza V., & Eisend, M. Forthocming. Nature Imagery in Non-Green Advertising: The Effects of Emotion, Autobiographical Memory, and Consumer’s Green Traits, Journal of Advertising (forthcoming)
- Küster, Franziska & Martin Eisend (2016), Time Heals Many Wounds – Explaining Immediate and Delayed Attitude Effects of Message Sidedness, International Journal of Advertising, 35 (4), 664-681
- Lennerts, Silke, Martin Eisend, Theo Lieven, Sven Molner, Tim Oliver Brexendorf & Torsten Tomczak (2016), The Power of Innovativeness in Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 23 (3), 235-251.
- Tarrahi, Farid, Martin Eisend & Florian Dost (2016), A Meta-Analysis of Price Change Fairness Perceptions, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (1), 199-203.
- Tarrahi, Farid & Martin Eisend (2016), The Influence of Judgment Calls on Meta-Analytic Findings: A Meta-Meta-Analysis, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51 (2-3), 314-329.
- Eisend, Martin (2015), Have We Progressed Marketing Knowledge? A Meta-Meta-Analysis of Effect Sizes in Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing,79 (May), 23-40.
- Eisend, Martin (2015), Persuasion Knowledge and Third-Person Perceptions in Advertising: The Moderating Effect of Regulatory Competence, International Journal of Advertising, 34 (1), 54-69.
- Eisend, Martin & Don Lehmann (2016), Assessing the Enduring Impact of Influential Papers, Marketing Letters
- Schmidt, Susanne & Martin Eisend (2015), Advertising Repetition – A Meta-analysis on Effective Frequency in Advertising, Journal of Advertising, 44 (4), 415-428.
- Eisend, Martin (2015), Persuasion Knowledge and Third-Person Perceptions in Ad- vertising: The Moderating Effect of Regulatory Competence, International Journal of Advertising, 34, 54-69.
- Eisend, Martin (2014), Shelf Space Elasticity: A Meta-analysis, Journal of Retailing, 90, 168-181.
- Eisend, Martin, Julia Plagemann & Julia Sollwedel (2014), Gender Roles and Humor in Advertising: The Occurrence of Stereotyping in Humorous and Non-humorous Advertising and Its Consequences for Advertising Effectiveness, Journal of Advertising, 43, 256-273.
- Eisend, Martin & Susanne Schmidt (2014), The Influence of Knowledge-based Re- sources and Business Scholars' Internationalization Strategies on Research Per- formance, Research Policy, 43, 48-59.
- Eisend, Martin & Farid Tarrahi (2014), Meta-analysis Selection Bias in Marketing Re- search, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31, 317-326.
- Pick, Doreén & Martin Eisend (2014), Buyers’ Perceived Switching Costs and Switching: A Meta-analytic Assessment of Their Antecedents, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42, 186-204.
- Eisend, Martin (2013), The Moderating Influence of Involvement on Two-sided Ad- vertising Effects, Psychology & Marketing, 30, 556-575.
- Eisend, Martin & Nicola Stokburger-Sauer (2013), Brand Personality: A Meta-ana- lytic Review of Antecedents and Consequences, Marketing Letters, 24, 205-216.
- Eisend, Martin & Nicola Stokburger-Sauer (2013), Measurement Characteristics of Aaker’s Brand Personality Dimensions: Lessons to be Learned from Human Personality Research, Psychology & Marketing, 30, 950-958.
- Fell, Anja & Martin Eisend (2013), Placebo Effects of Brands, Marketing – Journal for Research and Management, 35. 176-184.
- Jäger, Tilmann & Martin Eisend (2013), Effects of Fear Arousing and Humorous Ap- peals in Social Marketing: The Moderating Role of Prior Attitude towards the Advertised Behavior, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 34, 125-134.
- Evanschitzky, Heiner, Martin Eisend, Roger Calantone, Yuanyuan Jiang (2012), Success Factors of Product Innovation: An Updated Meta-analysis, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29, 21-37.
- Eisend, Martin (2011), How Humor in Advertising Works: A Meta-analytic Test of Al- ternative Models, Marketing Letters, 22, 115-132.
- Eisend, Martin (2011), Is VHB-JOURQUAL 2 a Good Measure of Scientific Quality? Assessing the Validity of the Major Business Journal Ranking in German-speak- ing Countries, Business Research, 4, 241-274.
- Eisend, Martin & Franziska Küster (2011) The Effectiveness of Publicity Versus Ad- vertising: A Meta-analytic Investigation of Its Moderators, Journal of the Acad- emy of Marketing Science, 39, 906-921.
- Knoll, Silke, Martin Eisend & Josefine Steinhagen (2011), Gender Roles in Advertis- ing: A Comparison of Gender Stereotyping on Public and Private TV Channels in Germany, International Journal of Advertising, 30, 867-888.
- Brexendorf, Tim Oliver, Silke Mühlmeier, Torsten Tomczak & Martin Eisend (2010), The Impact of Sales Encounters on Band Loyalty, Journal of Business Research, 63, 1148-1155.
- Eisend, Martin (2010), A Meta-analysis of Gender Roles in Advertising, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38, 418-440.
- Eisend, Martin (2010), Explaining the Joint Effect of Source Credibility and Negativity of Information in Two-Sided Messages, Psychology & Marketing, 27, 1032-1049.
- Eisend Martin & Tobias Langner (2010), Immediate and Delayed Advertising Effects of Celebrity Endorsers’ Attractiveness and Competence Fit, International Journal of Advertising, 29, 527-546.
- Möller, Jana & Martin Eisend (2010), A Global Investigation Into the Cultural and In- dividual Antecedents of Banner Advertising Effectiveness, Journal of Interna- tional Marketing, 18, 80-98.
- Eisend, Martin (2009), A Meta-analysis of Humor in Advertising, Journal of the Acad- emy of Marketing Science, 37, 191-203. Eisend, Martin (2009), A Cross-Cultural Generalizability Study of Consumers’ Acceptance of Product Placements in Movies, Journal of Current Issues and Re- search in Advertising, 31, 15-25.
- Koch, Jochen, Martin Eisend & Arne Petermann (2009), Path Dependence in Deci- sion-making Processes: Exploring the Impact of Complexity under Increasing Returns, Business Research, 2, 67-84.
- Eisend, Martin (2008), Explaining the Impact of Scarcity Claims in Advertising: The Mediating Role of Perceptions of Susceptibility, Journal of Advertising, 37, 33-40. Eisend, Martin (2007), Understanding Two-Sided Persuasion: An Empirical Assess- ment of Theoretical Approaches, Psychology & Marketing, 24, 615-640.
- Eisend, Martin & Jana Möller (2007), The Influence of TV Viewing on Consumers’ Body Images and Related Consumption Behavior, Marketing Letters, 18, 101- 116. Eisend, Martin (2006), Two-sided Advertising: A Meta-analysis, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23, 187-198.
- Eisend, Martin (2006), Source Credibility in Marketing Communication: A Meta-Anal- ysis, Marketing – Journal for Research and Management, 2, 43-60.
- Eisend, Martin (2006), Source Credibility Dimensions in Marketing Communication – A Generalized Solution, Journal of Empirical Generalizations in Marketing Science, 10, 1-33.
- Eisend, Martin & Pakize Schuchert-Güler (2006), Explaining Counterfeit Purchases – A Review and Preview, Academy of Marketing Science Review, 06, 1- 25.
- Eisend, Martin (2002), The Internet as New Medium for the Sciences? The Effects of Internet Use on Traditional Scientific Communication Media Among Social Sci- entists in Germany, Online Information Review, 26, 307-317.
Articles in other Journals and Anthologies
- Shaw, Ping, Martin Eisend & Yue Tan (2014), Gender-Role Portrayals in International Advertising, In Hong Cheng (ed.) The Handbook of International Advertising Research, Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, 299-312.
- Eisend, Martin, Silke Knoll, Susanne Schmidt & Ruziye Canbazoglu (2012), How Does Shifting Ad Budgets Impact Trust in Advertising Media? In Martin Eisend, Tobias Langner & Shintaro Okazaki (eds.) Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. 3). Current Insights and Future Trends, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 353-363.
- Küster, Franziska & Martin Eisend (2012), Immediate and Delayed Effects of Message Sidedness, In Martin Eisend, Tobias Langner & Shintaro Okazaki (eds.) Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. 3). Current Insights and Future Trends, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 55-65.
- Eisend, Martin & Silke Knoll (2012), Transnational Trust in Advertising Media, In Shintaro Okazaki (ed.), Handbook of Research on International Advertising, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 439-454.
- Eisend, Martin & Franziska Küster (2011), The Effectiveness of Publicity versus Advertising: A Meta-analysis, In Shintaro Okazaki (ed), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. 2). Breaking New Ground in Theory and Practice, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 277-291.
- Langner, Tobias & Martin Eisend (2011), Effects of Celebrity Endorsers‘ Attractiveness and Expertise on Product Recall of Transformational and Informational Products, In Shintaro Okazaki (ed), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. 2). Breaking New Ground in Theory and Practice, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 451-460.
Book Chapters (International)
- Roschk, Holger, Katja Gelbrich & Martin Eisend (2015), Advertising, Cross-Cultural, In Wolfgang Donsbach (ed.) The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 7-8
- Steinhagen, Josefine, Martin Eisend & Silke Knoll (2010), Gender Stereotyping in Advertising on Public and Private TV Channels in Germany, In Ralf Terlutter, Sandra Diehl & Shintaro Okazaki (eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. 1). Cutting Edge International Research, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 285-295.
- Eisend, Martin & Tobias Langer (2009), The Impact of Celbrity Attractiveness and Competence Fit, In Patrick de Pelsmacker & Nathalie Dens (eds.), Advertising Research. Message, Medium and Context, Antwerp: Garant, 33-40.
- Eisend, Martin (2008), The Role of Involvement in Two-Sided Persuasion, In Fran- cisco Costa Pereira, Jorge Veríssimo & Peter Neijens (eds.), New Trends in Ad- vertising Research, Lissabon: Sílabo, 121-131.
- Eisend, Martin & Pakize Schuchert-Güler (2008), Do Consumers Mind Buying Illicit Goods? The Case of Counterfeit Purchases, In Stefania Borghini, Mary Ann McGrath & Cele C. Otnes (eds.), European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 8, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 124-125. Research Grants
Books (International and German)
- Christodoulides, George, Anastasia Stathopoulou, Martin Eisend (eds.) (2017), Ad-vances in Advertising Research (Vol. 7). Bridging the Gap Between Advertising Academia and Practice, Wiesbaden: Springer-Gabler.
- Verlegh, Peeter, Hilde Voorveld & Martin Eisend (eds.) (2015), Advances in Advertis-ing Research (Vol. 6). The Digital, the Classic, the Subtle, and the Alternative, Wiesbaden: Springer-Gabler.
- Eisend, Martin (2014), Metaanalyse, München: Rainer Hampp.
- Eisend, Martin, Tobias Langner & Shintaro Okazaki (eds.) (2012), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. 3). Current Insights and Future Trends, Wiesbaden: Gabler.
- Kuß, Alfred & Martin Eisend (2010), Marktforschung. Grundlagen der Datenerhebung und Datenanalyse, 3rd ed., Wiesbaden: Gabler.Baumgarth, Carsten, Martin Eisend & Heiner Evanschitzky (eds.) (2009), Empirische
- Mastertechniken. Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung für die Marketing- und Managementforschung, Wiesbaden: Gabler.
- Eisend, Martin (2003), Glaubwürdigkeit in der Marketingkommunikation. Konzeption, Einflussfaktoren und Wirkungspotenzial, Wiesbaden: DUV.
Publications in German (Refereed Journals and Book Chapters)
- Eisend, Martin & Alfred Kuß (2017), Grundlagen empirischer Forschung. Zur Metho-dologie der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Wiesbaden: Springer-Gabler.
Eisend, Martin (2014), Metaanalyse, München: Rainer Hampp. - Eisend, Martin (2010), Geschlechterrollen in der Werbung, In Europa-Universität Vi- adrina (eds.), Universitätsschriften, Frankfurt (Oder): Europa-Universität Viadrina, 53-59.
- Baumgarth, Carsten, Martin Eisend & Heiner Evanschitzky (2009), Empirische Mas- tertechniken, In Carsten Baumgarth, Martin Eisend & Heiner Evanschitzky (eds.), Empirische Mastertechniken. Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung für die Marketing- und Managementforschung, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 3-26.
- Eisend, Martin (2009), Metaaanlyse, In Carsten Baumgarth, Martin Eisend & Heiner Evanschitzky (eds.), Empirische Mastertechniken. Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung für die Marketing- und Managementforschung, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 433-456.
- Stokburger-Sauer, Nicola & Martin Eisend (2009), Konstruktentwicklung, In Carsten Baumgarth, Martin Eisend & Heiner Evanschitzky (eds.), Empirische Mastertechniken. Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung für die Marketing- und Managementforschung, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 331-359.
- Eisend, Martin & Alfred Kuß (2009), Humor in der Kommunikation, In Manfred Bruhn, Franz-Rudolf Esch, Tobias Langer (eds.), Handbuch Kommunikation, Wiesbaden: Gabler , 629-644.
- Eisend, Martin (2008), Zweiseitige Botschaften in der Marketingkommunikation – Ein Überblick und Ausblick zu Theorie und Forschung, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 78, 307-329.
- Eisend, Martin & Franziska Küster-Rohde (2008), Soziale Netzwerke im Internet – Marketingkommunikation für Morgen, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 12-15.
- Jäger, Tilmann & Martin Eisend (2008), Die Bedeutung von Voreinstellungen für die Wirkung furchterregender und humorvoller Social Spots, In Berliner Wissen- schaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (eds.), Jahrbuch 2007, Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 201-212.
- Langer, Alexandra, Martin Eisend & Alfred Kuß (2008), Zu viel des Guten? Der Einfluss der Anzahl von Ökolabels auf die Konsumentenverwirrtheit, Marketing ZfP, 30, 19-28.
- Eisend, Martin (2007), Methodische Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Generali- sierbarkeitstheorie in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung, WiSt, 36, 494-500.
- Kuß, Alfred & Martin Eisend (2007), Konsum und Konsumklima, In Dieter Frey & Lutz von Rosenstiel (eds.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Band 6: Wirtschaftspsychologie, Göttingen: Hogrefe, 47-73.
- Schuchert-Güler, Pakize & Martin Eisend (2007), Ethno-Marketing: eine kritische Betrachung, In Gertraude Krell, Barbara Riedmüller, Barbara Sieben & Dagmar Vinz (eds.), Diversity Studies, Frankfurt/New York: Campus, 217-233.
- Eisend, Martin (2006), "Jeder Schuss ein Treffer?" – Zur Notwendigkeit und Problematik empirischer Generalisierungen im Begründungszusammenhang der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung, WiSt, 35, 249-253.
- Eisend, Martin (2006), Zukunft der Wirtschaftswissenschaft – einige Überlegungen zu den Zukunftsperspektiven der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, In Berliner Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (eds.), Jahrbuch 2005, Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 211-214.
- Eisend, Martin (2004), Wann lohnt sich humorvolle Werbung? Bestandsaufnahme und Desiderate der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, transfer – Werbeforschung & Praxis, 2, S. 14-19.
- Lütters, Holger, Martin Eisend & Pakize Schuchert-Güler (2002), Online Marktfor- schung als E-Service, In Manfred Bruhn & Bernd Stauss (eds.), Electronic Services. Dienstleistungsmanagement Jahrbuch 2002, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 613- 638.